January 31, 2021

January 2021 WIP Update

A very picture heavy update on the quilts I'm working on!

Nebula - I have no willpower so I finished all the blocks that were available in the first installment of the kit. Now I have to wait until April to work on this again! Which isn't a bad thing - I really thought I could alternate working on Nebula blocks and Gravity blocks, but once I got started on Nebula, I wanted to keep working on it.

Nebula Block 1A (actually made in December)

Nebula Block 1B (actually made in December)

Nebula Block 2A

Nebula Block 2B

Nebula Block 3A - I want to redo part of this to change the orientation of the striped triangles

Nebula Block 3B - I don't consider myself a huge fan or orange, and yet after making this block, I had to buy more of these two orange fabrics so I can use them for something else!

Nebula Block 4A - I had to carefully fussy cut these to make sure I got all the hands in the block. The bottom hexagon makes it look like it's winking at me!

Nebula Block 4B - I ended up buying more of the Homemade print so I could fussy cut the hexagons the way I wanted

Gravity - After I finished the Nebula blocks, I was able to work on some of the Gravity blocks. I'd like to see how much I can get done before the next installment of Nebula blocks arrive, now that I know I can't resist making them once I have the kit. It was interesting to make these right after making the Nebula blocks - Nebula is cut from fat eights and Gravity is cut from 10in squares. I think it might be a little easier to cut from the fat eights, but I love the variety of colors for the Gravity quilt. It's funny to work on both at the same time and see the differences and similarities.

Gravity Block 1A

Gravity Block 1B

Gravity Block 2A

Gravity Block 2B

Gravity Block 3A

Gravity Block 3B

Patchwork Sampler - There are 51 blocks in the quilt, so it's perfect for doing one block a week and making it a year long project. My goal is to post one block every Sunday on Instagram. My original vision for this quilt was just as scrappy as possible in warm colors. When I made the first block, I ended up fussy cutting a sleeping princess. The first 9 blocks are larger and are perfect for highlighting fussy cut fabric, and I've kind of developed a fantasy/fairy tale story in my head for these blocks. Now I'm making fabric choices based on that! I'm fussy cutting Tula Pink and Heather Ross fabric, so there's lots of magical stuff to choose from.

Patchwork Sampler Block 51 - I love this sleeping beauty princess! I didn't realize it when I made this block, but she would set the tone for the rest of the large blocks!

Patchwork Sampler Block 50 - The center bee is from Tula Pink All Stars

Patchwork Sampler Block 49 - Fussy cutting Tula Pink Slow and Steady and Homemade

Patchwork Sampler Block 48 - With the fairy tale theme, at first I thought Elizabeth (from Tula Pink) might be an evil queen, but I happily realized that she's a fairy godmother!

Patchwork Sampler Block 47 - I love the boat animals from Heather Ross. I went a little overboard (ha ha) with the water theme by using the raindrops, and the waves from Tula Pink's Zuma too

It's a little strange to have sewed so much but not have a quilt top this month! I'm still trying to shift my outlook away from finishing 12 quilts like I did last year. These three quilts are big projects, and it will be fun to see them come together over the course of the year.